Dragon Medical Direct and Nuance SpeechKit

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Sound Business Systems (SBS) has signed an agreement with Nuance Communications, Inc. expanding the range of products offered into the NZ Market to include Dragon Medical Direct (DMD) and Nuance SpeechKit.

Nuance SpeechKit is integrated into Winscribe Text allowing both ‘once and done’ and background speech recognition.

‘Once and done’ allows clinical staff to create their clinical letters and notes at the click of a button. Letters can be automatically addressed with relevant copy to recipients with patient demographics added to the document. Authors simply open Winscribe Desktop, select an appointment and choose the type of letter they want to create. They place the cursor where they want speech-recognised text to appear and start dictating. Authors can electronically sign on the spot with automated distribution to print and or electronically send the letters to the appropriate recipients or systems. Background speech recognition allows authors to dictate as normal from their smartphone, digital recorder or PC. Rather than correcting the recognised text themselves, formatting and correction is completed by support staff and dispersal is automated to the end recipients.

DMD allows authors to dictate directly into other hospital systems, email, etc as a stand-alone option. With minimal IT administration, easy deployment and centralised management, DMD can be downloaded and installed in minutes, without the need for complex installation and configuration.  Once installed, authors simply open the app, place the cursor where they want speech-recognised text to appear, and start dictating into any clinical, or non-clinical, Windows-based application (e.g., EHR, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word).

“We are excited to add both DMD and SpeechKit to our existing portfolio of Nuance products” said Terry Anderson, Director of SBS. “DMD and SpeechKit gives us a much more flexible, robust solution that is well suited for our existing and new public and private health customers. We are seeing an ever-increasing need, especially from the public health sector, for a solution that will help them deal with the rapidly growing amount of dictation and documentation they are producing as our population here in New Zealand grows so this this agreement is very timely.”

The SBS partnership with Nuance cements a long-standing relationship with Nuance and Winscribe and allows SBS to maintain and build on its leadership position by offering the complete package of healthcare workflow and document creation technologies.

All technologies within the SBS portfolio are supported by a dedicated team of in-house professionals skilled at project management, deployment, user training and technical support.

SBS will be showcasing both DMD and Speechkit as part of NZ Tech Week. Conferences will be held in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch the week of the 20th May 2019.

Find out how speech-to-text technology and digital dictation will help you work smarter.

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