Winscribe Dictation is here to stay!

Winscribe is here to stay

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We have exciting news for all Winscribe customers in New Zealand and Australia! 🎉 You may have received previous notice from Nuance that Winscribe would reach end of life.
But Sound Business Systems will now continue to supply Winscribe, your trusted digital dictation solution in Australia and New Zealand.
We are proud to announce that we have agreed on arrangements with Nuance enabling us to continue to run and maintain the Winscribe dictation platform for all customers going forward.

We know that changes like this can be a little unsettling, but we want to assure all Winscribe customers that nothing is going to change: You’ll be able to use the same reliable and user-friendly platform that you have come to trust including receiving updates and new licences as required.
And of course, our friendly support team will continue to be available to you, providing the same high level of customer service that you have come to expect.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us!

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